Eric Spencer Martindale, Jr., owner of CONFIDENT HOME REMODELERS, can best be reached by cell phone at (973) 820-8881. My fax is (973) 878-2612
We serve the following Counties: Bergen, Passaic, Morris, Sussex, Essex, Hudson, Union, Somerset, and Middlesex. I occasionally run leads in Monmouth, Ocean, Mercer, and Burlington Counties, but only on a case-by-case or seasonal basis. In the winter, we'll go further for business.
I can now serve over 2 million people living within a 15 minute drive, and that's important in today's economy. A high majority of my work is in suburban towns in Bergen, Passaic, Essex, and Union Counties, and northern Middlesex County.
My space here is also economical, and the low overhead keeps my prices super-competitive. At some point, I will open a storefront, probably in Bloomfield, Montclair, or Verona.